In Honor of Boss' Day Get All of Our Board and Elected Officials Training Videos For One Low Price!

Train Both Your Economic Development Board Members & Your Elected Officials With This Bundle

Available Friday, October 14th - Monday, October 17th

3 minute, 21 second Preview Above

$3,021 $597

What Videos Are Included

ED 101: Training for Economic Development Board Members

Robert’s Rules of Order

Why Does Confidentiality Matter in Economic Development?

How Do Economic Development Incentives Work?

How Does Economic Development Work?

Glossary of Economic Development Terms

Differing Roles of Board, Elected Officials, and Economic Development Staff

Best Practices in Performance Metrics Items

Defining the Site Selection Process

Handling the Media with Guest Host, Kay Stebbins, Boyette Strategic Advisors

Fundraising 101

How You Can Spur Housing Developments

Why are Economic Development Strategic Plans Important? What is a Good Process for Building One?

Elected Officials Economic Development Training 101

The Difference in Economic Development & Economic Activity

Downtown Economic Development

Can Economic Development Success Differ By Community?